Lighting for health

Lighting for health


 Let's shed some light on how lighting affects your body and how you can boost your health by tuning into your body's natural rhythm!

Ever heard of the "circadian rhythm"? It's like a daily dance inside your body that happens every 24 hours. Fun fact: every single cell in your body has its own little clock! Imagine it as a tiny timekeeper, helping each cell know when it's time to party (be active) and when it's time to snooze.

Now, here's where the cool lighting comes in. Circadian lighting is like a superhero light that affects your body's own rhythm. Think of it as a light that speaks your body's language.

In an ideal world, we'd soak up the sun during the day and chill under the stars at night. When we get good daylight, it's like a signal to our brain's boss (the master-clock), telling our bodies to do all sorts of cool stuff – like controlling body temperature, keeping blood pressure in check, and even deciding whether to burn or store fat. But when the stars come out, our bodies should get a signal too – a dimmer light or proper darkness that says, "Hey, it's bedtime!"

Why does it matter? Well, not getting the right light signals can mess with our superhero master-clock. This can lead to all sorts of problems, like feeling down, tired, or struggling to focus. Plus, it can mess with our brain's chemistry– melatonin production, changes your body temperature, metabolism, cortisol levels, and much more. A deficient production of melatonin can result in anxiety and mood disorders, lowered basal body temperature, insomnia, elevated estrogen/progesterone ratio, and immune suppression associated with cancer.

But fear not! Circadian lighting to the rescue! It's like a light wizard that mimics daytime signals, making sure you get the right light vibes at the right time. So, whether you're hustling in your home office or winding down for a good night's sleep, there's a perfect light for every occasion.

Good lighting is super important for older folks, especially those with memory issues like dementia. Studies say that the right lighting can really help people with dementia feel better. Dementia makes it hard for people to think clearly and can change how they act. This can make their living space confusing. Special lighting can make it easier for them to recognize things, understand what's around them, and know where they are.

Having lights that match the natural daylight helps people sleep better and stay awake during the day. Messing up their daily rhythm can make them feel upset, tired, and even mess with their hormones. To keep their daily rhythm in check, use bright blue light during the day and dim it at night. A study by the U.S. Department of Energy found that using special lights reduced problems like yelling and being upset by 41% in dementia patients. These lights also help healthcare workers with their daily tasks.

In the end, good lighting makes sure older folks, especially those with memory issues, feel good mentally. When they feel comfy, independent, and safe in their homes, it helps their minds stay healthy too.

Now, here's the science bit – spectrally optimized LEDs are the real MVPs. They target something called melanopsin in your eyes, which sends signals to your brain, helping it keep time and manage all sorts of cool body functions. These LEDs are like the superheroes of the lighting world, designed especially for your body's rhythm.

But wait! Before you go on a lighting shopping spree, do your homework. Not all lights claiming to be wellness warriors are the real deal. Be a smart shopper and choose the lights that really understand your body's groove.

Bonus tip: dimmers are a great way to control light levels in your room, turning them down 2 hours before sleeping assists in your natural sleep cycle. So installing dimmers, or smart switches in bedrooms are ideal.

So, there you have it! Let the right light into your life, and let your body dance to its own rhythm for a healthier, happier you! 🌟💡

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